A speaker that looks like a driver or a driver that looks like a speaker?

I want to present to you judgement NoLimits speakers. Waiting for your comments.

What's wrong with me trying to defend speakers which are ugly for you but great for us?

Are they "great for you" because you have some sort of financial interest involved?
Full disclosure please.
The speakers look unusual, but I kind of like that.  The problem, with it being acceptable in most rooms is the lateral size.  Four feet wide is about two feet wider than the largest size most people would want in a room. 
OP said he was "presenting" to us NoLimits speakers, followed by the link to his website. That’s advertising. He doesn’t need our opinion to modify anything since it is final product. If he cannot see how improper it is, then perhaps administrator can do something about it.
What is the point of the design acoustically? Or is it just to look different?