Which way to go? Meridian 568.2 or Lexicon Mc-1 v4

My last thread was "Using Yamaha RXV1 as a Pre-Pro, Which way is up?

I received in my opinion some very sound advice.
I have come to the conclusion that in order for me to hear a significant difference in sound I have to get an used top of the line pre-pro. after looking diligently I have narrowed it down to the Meridian 568.2 or the Lexicon Mc-1 v4. I can get these for under 2k.
If you have personally used these products or have personally heard them I would like to hear your opinion. If you have used other pre-pros such as Theta, Proceed, Krell, etc.I would like to hear what you have to say.

By the way, I applied a simple tweak for my B&W 801's and got amazing results ie the tightness and a little more depth on the bass. instead of buying 500 hundred dollar speaker stands I purchased 12 dollars worth of cement blocks, covered them with decorative cloth to match the speaker cabinets and I am happy and my wife doesn't have to look at an eye-sore.

the next improvement is the pre-pro then I will look at acoustics.
Porsche - Your experience is (much) different than mine. The Lexicon that I heard was dog-butt awful on music. The new ones are better, but that's only because of the general concensus regarding the old ones.

Samuel - I Agree with Porsche about the CAL piece, but I have serious concerns about OOB outfits when a processor's concerned. If the price is right OK - then also put Golden Theater and EAD in your shortlist. In fact I thought the EAD was a great HT value when new.

Just remember as much as a value an OOB processor is today, it'll only continue to drop very rapidly in value, so don't expect much in a couple of years, but then again, processors drop fast anyway.
Good luck
Agreed on the OOB.

Golden Theater, Proceed, Cal Audio (some rumblings or emerging again makes me VERY happy), and EAD.

Actually own pieces of all of the above. Proceed can still be repaired, so still a fine deal.
Get the Rotel RSP1068, good bang for the buck.....why do you feel the need for the Meridian and Lexicon? After hearing many models it is more of a lateral shift in performance then most will admit, I run a tube pre thru the multi bypass for 2 channel, for movies who cares?
To add to my earlier post, It is not that I dont care about movies, I happen to enjoy one now and then but car crashes and bomb blasts are easy for almost any peice to get good results with....focus on the music and the theater will without a doubt be good.