SS preamp with tube amp

I toying with the idea of using my Esoteric integrated as a preamp to pair up with a tube amp.  I'm wondering if I will get the "tube sound" with this set up.

Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
According to Stereophile measurements, 7T sensitivity is 86.6dB and drops to 3.5 Ohms minimum impedance in both the upper bass and low treble and drops to 3 Ohms in low bass. This would push me more toward a tubed pre as it might take a lot of $$$ to get a tube amp that can sufficiently drive these speakers. FWIW and best of luck.
Thanks soix.  Good advice for sure.  If and when I get bored with my Esoteric F-05, I may spring for something along the lines of MC 2301 with maybe C2600 preamp.  

Suggestions of course, welcome!