Know of a "Dirt Cheap" tweak?

I am looking for tweaks to improve the overall sound quality of my audio system. I recently purchased some TPC contact cleaner and it made a believer out of me. I noticed a signicant improvement, as if a veil was lifted my system sounded more clear and transparent. Bass got tighter too. Do you know of any cheap tweaks that have made a SIGNIFICANT improvement to the sound quality of your Hifi system...let us know... :-) Comments welcomed!

Is there an explanation for this improvement related to storage? What kind of improvement can be expected?
Glass microspheres are GREAT! I just used some to create a reflective area at the step coming up to the front door of my house. Also good for creating your own reflective street signs.

Yours Aye


Is there an explanation for this improvement related to storage?

- Not that on aware of.

What kind of improvement can be expected?

- Should be sufficient to make you start mumbling to yourself.

Sabai wrote,

I have no experience with your resonators so I cannot comment on their effectiveness nor can I compare them to resonators made by other makers -- or my own DIY version. But may I respectfully note that you earlier mentioned that you "... started designing and selling acoustic resonators before acoustic resonators were even a gleam in Franck Tchang’s eye ...". But in a more recent post I note that you refer to your resonators being around for 4 or 5 years. Franck Tchang's resonators came out in 2004.

I wasn't referring to my tiny little bowls. I was referring to my Brilliant Pebbles which are also resonators and which debuted at the HiFi show in London in 2003.




I just checked your own placement diagram on your site. I see you are using some of the same placements as Franck Tchang.

If you had read further you would have seen my diagram is meant to be only a guide. And that I recommend an SPL meter for best results. Hel-loo! Which is why I provide several lengths of silk string and a large tack with my tiny little bowls. You know, so one can easily move the resonator around to find the BEST LOCATION if you wish to play trial and error. What I write is on that page is,

"...and several different lengths of white silk thread that provide flexibility in locating the best location on the wall without moving the tack around too much. (In BOLD) (See paragraph below for use of SPL meter and test tone in finding optimum locations.) The resonator is first placed 6 feet above the floor on a given wall using the shortest length thread; then, the two longer lengths of thread can be tried to see if lowering the height of the resonator improves the sound. It is recommended that the resonators be used in pairs for reasons of symmetry. Suggested number of resonators per room is 2-6.

All diagrams look similar because the general locations of high pressure peaks are well known, in the general sense, you know, but not in an exact sense - I.e., near room corners, between box type speakers on the wall behind them, on the wall behind the listener, etc. so, the diagram would actually look different for electrostatic or other panel speakers. You know, since the radiation patterns are entirely different.