Thoughts on A/V receivers

Has anyone a recommendation for a A/V receiver for one of my rooms. I am looking at the Yamaha rx-v2600, Pioneer Vsx-72txv, one of the new Integra or Marantz which doesn't have anything close to the Pioneer currently.

I am with "Javachip" as well. I currently use a Harman/Kardon AVR-430 Audio/Video Receiver in my home theater system, but I am thinking about changing over to an Outlaw Model 1070 at the first of the year. You may want to consider the Outlaw, but you will probably want to consider the NAD T-763 as well. It may not have the latest in connectivity such as HDMI or DVI is concerned, but it excels in music and movie performance. And when it is all said and done, isn't this is what it's all about in the first place????

The lower price point receivers are sonically lacking in terms of power out put, dynamics, 3dimmensionality, and realism.
I find receivers with much better current delivery for the money, are Outlaw, Denon, Harmon kardon.
Good luck
The Yamaha rx-v2600 will have HDMI upsampling which is a very nice feature. The sound quality of the Yamaha gear is also very good.
Well I think that the efficiancy of your speakers will help define what kind of receiver juice you need in order to get a good result. BY the way- what did you decide on the plasma/display choice and DVD player?