Accuphase DP75V: does it still hold its own ?

Hi, I have the chance of buying a (obviously preowned) Accuphase DP75V.
I now own a Naim CDX2 + XP5PS, which I really like; the reason why I'm thinking about this change is that I bought an Accu E360 int. amp and I'd like to have a 'mono-brand' set up; moreover, I'm downsizing the stereo (I came from pre+power amp separates, and wolud like to have the CDP in one single chassis as well), but my hope it's much more a physical downsizing than related than sound quality.

So, the questions are:
- would an Accu 75V better (or, at least, not be worse than) my CDX2 + XP5XS ?
- in general, does a 75V (15or so years old, I think) still hold its own, or should I go for a more recent CDP, maybe a recent Accu like DP500 ? (DP510 and higher ones in the line are out of my budget, even used: Accus are highly overpriced here in Italy, compared to Japan retail price).

SACD is not relevant (I guess I own 10 SACD's or so, over 1500 digital titles), DAC is only secondarily relevant (I'm not going "liquid" at the moment).

all comments are welcome, though in particular those about 75V vs CDX2 or 75V vs. recent Accu CDP's.

thanks, ciao
Thanks! for sharing- George (georgehifi).

I have an interest in an Accuphase DP-65v, but worry about critical parts and service for an older spinner.  Does anyone know if Accuphase stocks the laser drive/assemble for the older DP-55, 55v, 65 and 65v models?

Happy Listening!

you are in a tough decision- Naim vs. Accuphase.
I have heard a few Naim players and they are excellent. I have not spent time w/ Accuphase but you like to find a dealer/retailer that has their CD/SACD players in showrooms.


DP-65v Sony KSS-272A very hard to get new

DP-55 Sony KSS-240A still cheap $20 but getting hard to get new

DP-55V Sony Kss240A " " "

DP-65 Sony KSS-272A very hard to get

Naim CDX-2 Philips VAM1250 easy to get new $20 -$30 ebay

Once again stay with the Naim.

If you really have itchy feet to change to another CD player

Then go with a Naim CD555/PS555 or a Linn CD12 mkII, or a Mark Levinson No39

Cheers George

Thanks, George.
could you please tell me about the sonic differences you noti ed when you compared dp75 to dp75v ? and maybe to cdx2 ?
after all, that's what it's all about, ain't it ? :-)