Bought an NAD 3020. Question for the experts here!

So I purchased my first piece of vintage equipment.  Here is my question... do I leave the amp on all the time to keep warm for listening or do I turn on/off as I listen to it?

Thank you for your input.

Perhaps I should just turn it on an hour or so before I know I will be listening and then turn off each time?

Good Plan. Maybe leave it on a bit more once you know it is working properly, post rebuild, and you are sure it is safe. Especially leave it powered on a bit longer if you know you are going to sit down to do some critical listening.

Enjoy the amp......
Thank you.  I think that is the best/safest plan.  
Time to start listening!  :)

Can you send me a PM with the name of the service center or tech that performs restoration and recapping services on NAD gear?  I own the 3040 as well as a 2150 and may wish to have them updated in the future.  Thanks.