Specific Pre-Amp advice

I would really like to get some help from the Forum. Late 2017 early 2018 I am getting a new pre-amp. My options to hear gear are low (common issue). Probably be buying blind which I have done in the past in conjunction with research. Here is the run down. 

Budget: 2500 possibly pushed to 3k. Looking for used gear (pretty much ruling out new).

1. I am leaning heavily toward a tube pre.
2. I would like a remote but its not a deal breaker if it gets me better SQ
3. Line stage only. Don't really need a phono stage as I have a stand alone
4. It needs to be active. 
5. Feeding SS amp with 100k input impedance 
6. Primary used with Vinyl front end. Would like it to handle three sources. (Radio, Dac/CD and Input for TT)
7. 2 channel only no pass through needed or wanted. 
8. Single Ended RCA Connection. My amp does not have true balance connections 

Current System 

VPI Prime 
SS Aida Cart
MS Nova Phomoma 
Exposure 17
Exposure Dual Reg 4
Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grands 

I am looking to get more resolution. A more liquid sound. Bigger soundstage and get more of the recording space into my room. 

My preference is for an open/transparent neutral sound slightly tipped to the warm side in the highs. Slight roll off maybe. I like a fast quick musical sound with tight quick bass. Not looking for tube romance or rounded bass. I absolutely would like to stay away from bright sounding gear. Also super etched is not to my thing. I fall in the musicality camp. 

Any suggestions that would help me achieve this sound would be appreciated. These qualities defiantly take system matching into account. Pretty happy right now but I think I can do better.

Linear tube Audio MZ2-S. I just got one. I ordered it with remote and 3 inputs. Comes with a very good linear power supply. Biggest bang for the buck I've ever seen.

Randy 11

Keeping up with GD release seems like a full time job. I love a lot of the Dicks Picks. I have a few orginals and several of the MOFI releases plus some bootleg shows off the board on vinyl. I have never heard of  Plangent technology. Might need to check that out. My musical tastes are very diverse more so than many people. 


I know CJ used to have a romantic/rich house sound and then it was changed. Is CJ really slightly warm to neutral now? Just another brand I want to hear but have not. My speakers add a bit of warmth and bloom. Trying not to go to far with a good thing. 


You pretty much made me aware of Herron in the analog forum. Yes I am interested in their gear. I was in St. Louis and talked to the owner and even though he was located in St. Louis there was no place to here his gear. Same situation with Well Tempered. Disturbed with dynavector out of St. Louis but you have to drive a good ways into IL country to hear that table???? They do make is hard for you to audition gear. I just assume buy blind then chase products around the country. 

A year or two ago I was in Berkeley and literal could not get the salesman to play the Nova phono stage. He wanted me to buy blind in an empty store. So I just went ahead and bought one blind for half the cost here. I have no ideal what many dealers are thinking theses days. I know it was not a make or break sale but dear lord I was the only soul in the store. That is pure laziness. 
darkstar1 OP
Exposure Dual 4 Reg has 24db of gain according to the President.
That's a much higher input sensitivity than what your manual states at 1.2v. It's 50% higher.

Cheers George
Plangent technology uses (IIRC) the bias signal to remove wow & flutter on old tapes.  Downloads of the hallowed Cornell show from the Betty board should be out soon, tho the discs are sold out.

I've heard the better Rogue amps when auditioning 3.7i Maggie speakers and they sounded nice, tho I did not compare them with other amps.

I have an ARC LS-25 Mk II pre with a Sunfire amp.  I may audition the Benchmark amp to see if it sounds much better.  I am likely to stay with a SS amp and tube pre - there is an entire thread on here about amps for Magneplanars (my speaker choice).  I can post my short list form that thread if you want. LMK
Yeah I have the Cornell show on vinyl ripped from the board. They sound really good. They were bought a year or two ago.