Best speakers under $500? Fire away!

Looking for suggestions for budget speakers under $500.  Can be floor or bookshelf.  
Let's hear the suggestions for the experts out there!

Thank you
Depends a lot on the type of music you listen to.  Your 3020 certainly images well ..... so used Thiel 1.5's or better yet 1.6's (much rarer) might fit if you are interested in classical or jazz or singer-songwriters.  Not the best for rock, though.
I like the Dynaco A-25 with the NAD 3020. 
I think on par with the AR-3 for much less $. 
Not super detailed or extended highs, but very natural, smooth in ways modern stuff isn't. 
The A-25 is really an early B & O,  back when they made good sounding stuff. Easy to drive and I still think what 200 for a nice pair. 
If you like em, you can upgrade to a nice vintage tube amp for the leftover dough and use the 3020 phono stage. Exactly the path I had my friend take and it sounded very good. Upgrade was to Eico HF-86. 

Would also agree with TC-50. 
Also Epos Es-11 and Es-14. I used to sell them
25 years ago. Minimal crossover, easy loads. 

Was given a pair of Infinity Reference 162s as a warranty replacement from Harman. Thought I would sell them but I'm really impressed with them and now use them for my home theater. Excellent value at $450. $350 or lower New on eBay. Elacs are very good but the R162s are in the same ballpark IMHO.