Moving up from B&W CM9

I'm selling my CM9's.  I'm using a McIntosh C41 preamp and MC7150 Amp.  I should have about $2,500 to invest in a set of used speakers.  I get it that the best speaker is the one that I like the best.  I'm just looking for some suggestions of what I might want to try to audition.  I've been leaning toward Sonus Faber Venere 3.0, but have heard some great things about Tekton recently.  thanks!
I have to agree with you there about B&W's that the bass is lacking. I would say the SF's are the opposite of B&W's.  They are a very warm, more laid back speaker that certainly doesn't lack bass. 

The Tektons I heard produced a big, dynamic sound - somewhat forward like the B&W's but no lack of bass.  Probably the best rock speaker of the bunch.
so... The CM9's are gone!  I move a pair of Monitor Audio Bronze 2 bookshelf speakers to the basement where the CM9's were located.  Let's talk about confusion.  The Monitor Audios sound incredible.  So much more full than the CM9's.  My only thought is there was something wrong with the CM9's.  So this opens up a new consideration.  Monitor Audio Silver 10's ( because of the Bronze 2's performance), Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 floor standing or Sonus Faber Venere 2.0 bookshelf with a subwoofer.  I almost pulled the trigger on some Magnepan 1.7's and a Golden Ear super sub x but my set up area just won't allow the maggies.  Getting closer!
Yes there  is something wrong with the CM9 its sound is lean, bright and artificial the only  positive thing I can say about the CM9 is its impressive looking ,very nice "furniture" indeed.
@itzhak1969 & others    You find the CM9 bright, lean and "artificial"?!!! My dear friend, the CM9 and CM8 are some of the best  and musical speakers under 10 grand! If you run them with a crappy amp and front end they will just reflect whatever is fed thru them, nothing more, nothing less.... No Monitor Audio or Golden ear speakers regardless of price can hold water compared to CM8s in musicality and truth of timbre IMHO....  That CM9 sound lean and lack of bass is a function of your room or poor set up. If anything the CM9s have too much bass compared to the CM8s which have one of the most musical midbass of any speakers at any price! The CM8s are comparable to the vintage Goldmund/Meta Research speakers in absolute performance...And those are legendary... NO Sonus faber models can touch either CM9 or the the CM8s unless you go the Stardivardi or Elipsas at above 20 grand.... Normally I seldom critique others tastes (as we do hear differently), but my friend in this instance you have to have your system, or your hearing examined...