How good is the Technics 1200 Mk2 with all the KAb upgrades?

Guys while cleaning out my back room I found a new tech 1200 mk.2 that I bought years ago when kids were young- I forgot I even had it!!- It has pretty much all the KAB upgrades- How good a table is this compared to todays table- In other words how much would I need to spend to equal this table
If I keep it what upgrades would you recommend- thanks
Hi Fluffers,

I had the SL-1200MKII with the tonearm wiring, fluid damper, upgraded mat, and clamp upgrades. It was a nice turntable, not quite on par with a Sota Cosmos IV that I owned at the same time, but very similar sounding. I did not get the outboard motor for the Technics, which I think would have made a positive difference. I think it all depends on your listening preferences. I saw in another thread that you just bought a Joule amp. When I had my Joule, I ended up selling the Technics and Sota, and got a modified Lenco idler drive table, with no regrets. The Lenco has more tonal weight and toe tapping drive, which in my opinion was a very nice compliment to the Joule sound.

@fluffers, I agree with the two above posts.
Any of you long timers on Audiogon remember psychicanimal from the original Audiogon? He had a tweaked out 1200 Mk.2 with all the KAB upgrades and it sounded fantastic! There was a lot written about it in the forums fro long ago, I don't know if that information is still available on the current Audiogon.
I have an MkII with the Kabusa upgrades described above, I use it with a Paradox Pulse 103R (requires additional extended weight for tonearm). For my 2 c, for the money it's an excellent TT. I use it primarily for playing 45 rpm vinyl and any vinyl that may be dished or slightly warped. The clamp is a Michell.  For reference my main deck is a MS RX5000. 
In your situation, given it's new and a sunk's a great find and I would put to straight to use! :)