what is your proceedure for setting up u'r system?

My experience suggests, that most people haven't a clue as to where to start, nor what they are doing, in setting up properly engineered audio/video system! At least, however, they might know what pieces of gear they want, but then have no idea how to implement what they end up with.
Anyone want to share their "thought processes" in setting up a multichannel HT/music system in a home environement?...what considerations do you take into acount?...what goals do you have with your gear/room?...where do the speakers/seats go?...how should I set up my processor?...acoustics?...tpes of gear?...system setup and lineconditioning?...why?...etc..
Mitch41, don't get me wrong. Anyone here that's even remotely "electronics savy", can piece a system together, sure! Any weekend warrior who can plug wires into jacks, or rca's into the right socket can put a 7.1 system together, no sweat! Then you ask these people what they think off the bat, and how things sound to them an all, and they say "WOW, that sounds great!!!"
Sure they got sound pounding out of their sub, and lots of sound blairing from their rear surrounds and all, any maybe their center cranked up to loud and all. But the reality is that it's usually so "low fidelity", off balance, and so far out of whack from what the original engineers designed the sound to be like, that they coulda got the same sound from a little cheap HT in a box system! You know it's the truth! Anyway...
Sounds like you were not asking for information but rather wanting to show how superior your knowledge is compared to everyone else.
Obrown, the only people I need to impress are clients I do design and install work for, cause they pay money!
I'm just stimulating threads,and really asking for input from people that might help someone actually go about getting better results with their sytem, mainly the week-end warrior/DIY'ers. Nothing more really.
Maybe the lack of response is based on the fact that people who care about sound quality don't waste their time on the overhyped sensationalism that is part and parcel of the home theater movement. I'm sick of explosions and squeeling tires!