DLP or LCD what do you think

I am looking at the Samsung hlr 46 inch dlp VS the sony sxdr 50 inch lcd what do think would be the better buy as in picture qualty and preformance. thanks for the help

You are right about the Sony sets not accepting 1080p input. This is idiotic, considering that the display operates at a native 1080p rate. I own a Qualia set and I've been looking into outboard processors. It would be nice to input a fully processed and scaled signal that bypasses all of the set's processing.
Yes, 3 chip DLP's are expensive. Now that TI is getting strong competition, I suspect those prices may come down. Yes, as far as I know 3 chip DLP's are currently only available in front projectors.
Not only are they quite expensive, but unless you are willing to spend REALLY big bucks, they are still 720X1080 and not 1080X1920.

The 3-chip SXRD front projector from Sony is the the one everyone now has to chase in front projectors. It is amazingly good and even more amazingly CHEAP.