Blu Ray over/under $

Sony announced the release of a blu ray DVD player for this summer along with some disc releases. What's your guess of how much it will cost upon intial release? How much would you pay to get one or would you get one at all?
When will you people just get a TT and avoid the misery while having the best sound?

OK fire away I got my flame suit on.
Rysa....this is incorrect with studio backing for B/R at 90% and less than 50% for HD.
Same goes for hardware...B/R has far more support....hands down.

The Washington Post reporter that pushed play on the Toshiba HD player at CES, only to find it to do nothing(broke)....along with the pictures of the Toshiba player with tape acrossed the back and one single cable coming actually beleive HD is going to be sold in March.
HD has been telling lies for two years now....with B/R always doing as they say.
This is pure desperation on the part of HD.....and those of us that have been following this, are not falling for HD's desperation.

Cnet voted the Pioneer Elite B/R player as best in show , and picked B/R to win with a lot more staying power.

And again Hd has zero studio support from..
Columbia Tri Star
Hardware support for HD at show...Toshibas sometimes broken player.

Hardware support for B/R
Ben Q

Some of these are players,recorders and drives....but HD support was very slim and a desperation move on there part imo.
From a volume of title availability standpoint, on January 1st 2007, HD-DVD will have more titles out than Blu Ray. My info is from both camps in preaon at CES. Not that I care all that much. It isnt a matter of lists my friend, its a matter of title volume, and the 90% to 10% ratio you are suggesting isnt representative of the reality of title/movie availability. If that were true, there wouldnt be any format war at all.
BTW- CNET is not a good source of info. I watached their live broadcasts from CES and the reporters really dont have a handle on consumer electronics. From your involvment at, you should know this. The Toshiba players I saw at CES werent taped up blah blah blah. It really isnt as you are desrcribing it. The release date is March 2006 by press announcement. Previous delays were due to several factors including a coming together on certain standards which you are likely unaware of. In fact, the only difference now between the two camps is the physical media based on these newly agreed upon standards, forced by HPs threat to include support for HD-DVD unless certain consitions of standards were met by Blu ray. The game is not quite out what you make it to be Mr Ears. But hey-March is just around the corner....
Personally do not think Blu Ray vs HD-DVD format war will be lengthy and difficult as some make it out to be: Blu Ray will be the clear winner. Not necessarily due to quality etc but industry movement & dynamics. Blu Ray has all the big consumer elec companies behind it Sony, Masushita, Samsung, LG etc plus DELL, HP etc as well as from the content companies. HD DVD has a weak consortium led by Toshiba who has its own structural problems as a company. The only way HD DVD becomes the big winner is if a) X Box 360 gets HUGE lead over all other next generation game consoles (highly unlikely) and simulataneously Microsoft and Intel stay away and continue to not support Blu Ray. I doubt it.