Blu Ray over/under $

Sony announced the release of a blu ray DVD player for this summer along with some disc releases. What's your guess of how much it will cost upon intial release? How much would you pay to get one or would you get one at all?
Rysa4, CES is not for all but this is one of the big show out there that the manufacturers can have some feedback from almost all the segment of the market. From media to just technology savvy consumers but not really audiophiles. It is fun to see anyway. Thanks again Rysa4.
Henry, I saw that as well. Even more interesting is the fact that the parts cost of the PS3 will be upwards of $900. Interesting business model, sell wholesale at a 200% loss, drive down unit costs with volume, and derive profit from software licensing fees. The disc unit part cost was $200 I think. I'll get a PS3 when they finally do come out.
Twinaudio- Actually Alexis Park and St Topez is pretty much for audiophiles. AS you know these are the CES venues that are SOLELY for audiophiles and is one of the few places where you can hear the Green Mountains, Silverl;ines, and Merlins in one place. Certainly not for the masses and definetly for audiophiles. Just trying to get you more up to speed.
Rysa - I am just talking about the Blue-ray subject. I do not miss any CES so we are on the same page. But the Blue ray is in the south hall and not at St Tropez and Alexis park that means.... they are still trying to get the feel of everything.

That what happens to a new Plasma and LCD TV. What we do is take it to SID ( Society of information Display show) and just let all the manufacturers, enginneers, Scientist, reviewers, investors and media watch and gather some info. Once this is well recieved then we go for the next show which is CES and get some more feedback with the larger market segment which includes of course sellers and thier relatives and friends.
Thanks again Rysa4.