Denon DVD-2910 excessive vibration?

I was wondering if it is normal for the Denon 2910 to vibrate with authority? While playing CDs the vibration starts out strong on track 1 and then slowly diminishes with each track to nothing by the time the CD is over. I can't imagine the vibration is good for sound qualty.
I just returned from my local Denon dealer and found his DVD2910 was vibrating as well; although, not as bad. In fact he pulled a brand new one out of the box. Not all discs vibrate with the same intensity and by track 4 on all of the discs, I have tried, the vibration is gone. Allison Kraus "New Favorite" vibrates the worst. The dealers was manufactured Oct 2005 and mine was Aug 2005. If no one else has expierenced the vibration issue, maybe there was a bad batch.
Sounds like a bad production run? As it was mentioned maybe a transport or a drawer problem I've had mine for over six months and have had zero problems with it!
does anyone's player have trouble reading discs? i have had this issue recently -- i put in the disc and it the readout says wrong format. i turn the power off, than on again and it can read the disc.
My 2910 vibrates with sacd's, mostly. It depends on the disc, but I get more vibration as the tracks get higher. Are you going to send yours back? Boy, I'd really like to know if stopping the vibration makes the sound better.