I'm looking for a 50" TV, because it's time to go HD baby! ;-)

LCD is supposed to project a better image, but I've never been impressed with LCD monitors. A buddy just bought a 50" Samsung DLP and he says it's the schnizel. Any suggestions or recommendations?


We already have plenty of examples of high def TVs with a higher native resolution than DVD sources: 720p sets. 480i DVD sources are simply deinterlaced/rescaled to match the native resolution of the TV, and in my opinion, 720p sets do a great job with DVDs. There is no magic involved, as the rescaling does not turn 480i DVDs into high def DVDs, it just provides a means to display the images. I like to think of having a higher native resolution TV as similar to halftone printing in newspapers. The finer the halftone dot pattern, the better the image looks when printed.

From what I have read, the 1080p sets do an even better job than 720p sets, not because of the higher native resolution per se, but because they have less screen door effect, better contrast, and in at least some sets better black levels.

You must be thinking that I am talking about the first generation Sony SXRD rear projection tv.
I am not.
I am talking about the newest latest generation Sony KDS-R50XBR1 SXRD 50" LCoS rear projection tv.
Retail is $4,000.00, not $10,000.00 or higher.
Go to
In the upper right hand corner it will ask: What are you looking for?
Punch in: Sony KDS-R50XBR1
It will show you a complete listing of retailers and their prices, as well as reviews and customer reviews.
As you can see, it can be had for less than $3,000.00 DELIVERED!
Hope this helps.
Frankg: I've seen the link and will likely go SED in the future. I'm just waiting to see if they have to work out any bugs with the technology first ... Until then I'll have to suffer the Canon Realis.

It does look very promising, though, doesn't it?

SXRD is a LCos dispay. SED is not yet commercially available. And the first ones may not be over 36 inches, although promises of prototypes by years end at 55inch are flying around.