Tube Life Artifacts

I've been using the same tubes for almost 12 years. They are RCA EL84s (6bq5) in 1959 Leak TL12 plus monoblocks. Recently, I have noticed that one channel seems to be "deeper" in soundstage, almost like there was more reverb on that channel. It's a mild difference, more noticeable on some recordings than others. This difference is consistent with both vinyl and CD, and switched sides when I switched the speaker connections.

Is this evidence of tube deterioration? I have a set of unused Philips tubes somewhere in the basement (made by Mullard, I believe) and I'm about to switch them. If I can find them...
Ok, I found those NOS Philips and swapped them in. Maybe a slightly better treble, as the cymbals are louder and seem to fade slower.

But the RCAs are back in. They have much better bass and mids. More balanced across the whole spectrum. I don't hear a difference in width or height. 

My girlfriend doesn't hear any difference, even though she's got better ears. She thinks I'm crazy.
I haven't decided if the better cymbals with the Philips is real, or just a consequence of a suppressed and less liquid midrange. But it's true, the Philips only have about 12 hours on them. The Chinese guy raved about them, but then he was selling them, so...

At any rate, I'm looking for more RCAs on the net. Then I find that there's at least 4 different kinds. It's never simple, is it?
I would suggest going to Andy Bouwman at Vintage Tube Services for your RCAs and for his recommendations as well.  Buying tubes on the internet can be a crapshoot; Andy has the real deal, and his advice is priceless as well.