Focal Sopra 2 vs Sopra 3?

Has anyone compared side by side? If so what were the differences?

If you have the room, get the 3.  If your room isn't big, go with the 2 and you will be thrilled.  

The 3 will sound considerably better than the 2 if the room is big enough, but the 3 will sound considerably worse than the 2 in a small-medium sized room.  
my room is approx. 18' x 12' (I say approx. because there's a portion of my chimney in there and it's "L" shaped. I was surprised the 3's only went 1HZ lower than the 2's. I would think the 2 with a sub might be money better spent?

Friends and I went to two different dealers (1 in CT the other MA) listened to the Sopra 2 both places the sound was unlistenable! Were really hoping for something special. 

I bought the 3s after listening to the 2s. The 3 are more full range and better balanced. Fuller midrange and really smooth going to the tweeter. My room is large but not the width. Even close to side walls the 3s disappear
@rsf507 ,
Can you please elaborate "unlistenable". That is totally NOT what I found about Sopra when setup properly. I was in a properly treated room (Vicoustic) and the Sopras sounded pretty good with a nice bottom end. The front end was Simaudio and Hegel. Wiring was Nordost Valhalla 2.

@2bz this goes to prove how a speaker can sound so different in one setup Vs the other. Hence it is recommended that you try to audition yourself, rather than depending on users. Take our experience as a "guide", but not as "your experience".