Whats your favorite MC Cart for Rock and Blues/under 1K

Just looking for opinions on a great MC/high output cart for rock and blues under 1K.

TT is currently a VPI Scout Jr.....but probably getting into a VPI Prime soon.

Thanks in advance,

Ag insider logo xs@2xkrelldog
I am a dealer selling a used mint Benz Glider high output that I consider one of the best in its price. Everybody is upset the Benz stopped making anything affordable. Also the newest version wood body Clear Audio's.

To be fair the others I like that I don't sell or have used are Dynavector, and the Denon is a tad bright but good.
Like @audiobunker my Benz Glider HO is my favorite. Well partly because this is the only HO MC I have had so I cannot compare it to anything else, therefore by default it wins. In my system and the sum of all parts, I tend to like how the lows to the mids sound, with the highs a little tame.