Looking for CD player recommendations that are a great match with Classe & Vandersteen

Looking for some recommendations for CD players that will mate well with the sound characteristics of a Classe CAP-101 integrated amp and Vandersteen 2C speakers? Cabling is DH Labs Q-10 and Air Matrix. I listen to all kinds of music... pop, rock, classical, ambient/electronic. But, mostly rock and prog rock. My budget is max $600, but I’d like to stay somewhat under that if at all possible. I don’t need a lot of features. In fact, the basics are fine--so long as it has a remote. CD is my primary source (and I love it :)

If you want the most accurate sound, then perhaps you should consider using a Transport for your CD's and outputting the signal to a separate DAC.
FWIW, I use either my Rega Apollo R or McCormack DAC-1. Both sounded quite nice with my 3a sigs. Though, I have to say I have gone to online streaming music for the better part of a year, and haven't looked back.
If you want to output to a DAC, I would recommend either an Ayre Codex, or a Schiit Gungnir or Yggy.
I use an old iphone 5 going into an HRT iStreamer then rca to the integrated amp. That the extent of my streaming--for now. I use Apple Music. I've noticed not everything is imported at the same quality. I also like the physical aspect of a disc. Again, at least until streaming is the norm... which will be any decade now. 

As for cd players, what do you guys think of the Rotel RCD-1072? Or cambridge audio 840c? Theta Miles? Arcam? Cal audio labs? Or a Classe player? Cd-10?