What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??

I am curious what speaker cables made a big "jaw dropping difference" in the sound quality of your current speakers.  What most impressed you about the difference;  that is, overall musicality, tighter, deeper bass, midrange clarity and soundstage depth, etc.etc. 

Keep the price of the speaker cables chosen or auditioned at  between $800- $1000 or  from  $1000-$1500. Was the cable bought new or used??

  Thank you,   SJ

Sorry folks my link to Townshend Audio in my earlier post was not correct it should be: www.townshendaudio.com

Sorry for any issues caused.

'Jaw-dropping' is asking a lot of any improvement, as others have said. However, I have found that all the cables can tune a system to a really valuable degree. I used some home-made copper cables for a while that were virtually identical to Wireworld Polaris (old polaris). I also had QEC Silver 12 (which is actually copper) that was very, very slightly better than Nordost Purple Flars.. or perhaps a tiny bit better. However I purchased some Analysis Plus Oval 8 and they are wonderful; very easy-sounding and balanced top to bottom. Definitely in your price range used. 

To Maurice:   Can you describe what you like about the Clear Day Double Shotgun speaker cable. In your opinion what improvement in sound quality did it offer and  were distinctly audible.

I auditioned Clear Day Single Shotgun and thought it very good, but a tad on the bright side.  At the time I was using Acoustic Zen Hologram II speaker cable. which retailed for $1500  for a an 8 foot pair. My speakers at the time were the AZ Adagios. Overall I thought the AZ cable was smoother.  I ask Paul at Clear day if he had a 6 ft pair of Double Shotgun, but he did not have them available the 2 times I asked him  He is good guy and easy to work with.  

Thanks again to all who responded. The response has been very good and informative.  SJ 


I understand with kids and pets -- which is not my case. You can order insulation on Ebay, as well.
Don't waste your money...check out http://www.laventure.net/tourist/cables.htm
they have a very good article on speaker wires and connections.  Thoughts and opinions on the matter. 

I use .9999 "pure" silver made my own speaker wires, and interconnects once again all silver.  They have blown away every name brand and that is no b.s. 

I understand that some or most can not make their own, the above mentioned website also sells them complete.  Still cheaper than highly over priced name brands.  

It is worth a read....that is free...the result could be priceless.