A Different Solution for Cables

In the past, I have contributed to topics on the forum about building your own cables and tweaking cables. I would like to revisit another cable theme that I have talked about in the past, one that has not received much interest since it is on the fringe. The subject is series cabling. By this I mean piggy-backing cables -- 2 cables only -- to improve SQ. I started experimenting with series cabling by chance, frustrated after successive purchases from well-known companies fell short of anticipated results. The most common shortcoming was thin sound with deficient harmonics.

I ended up experimenting over a period of years, mainly with PCs and interconnects in series. I have come up with improved SQ -- not subtle --- by trial and error. My most recent success came as a total surprise -- using interconnects in series from BSG QOL to Lyngdorf RP-1 before the pre-amp. I know that some audiophiles insist that making the signal path unnecessarily longer has to degrade SQ. The truth is that the contrary has often been the case with my system. The latest results are quite stunning. There must be a scientific explanation for this but I am not the kind who worries much about theories. I am more interested in the music. As long as the sound improves I am happy.

You might want to try experimenting with this if you have some spare PCs or interconnects in the audio closet. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results. Have any others out there done something similar that they would like to share while risking a few slings and arrows on the forum?
I'm using two sets of RCA connected via barrel connector from a phono preamp. I also have a power cord plugged into an adapter into another of same cord. Also have plugged XLRs into each other for extra length on a remote CDP.  Does this disqualify me as a  high end cable user?

I would only be using cryo-ed connectors. I have found that non-cryo-ed connectors can degrade SQ.
I guess you could say I went the opposite direction. I don’t use ICs at all. I don’t use power cords. I don’t use speaker cables. Oh, and no wall outlets. And no connectors, either. I don’t need fuses. Or transformers or large capacitors. I don’t use AC house power. I don’t have electrical ground. If thine eye offend thee pluck it out. 😀
  I'm currently bi-wiring my speakers with a combination of Wireworld & Anti-cables.  I had assumed that the improvement using both (over either singly--even connected bi-wired) was primarily due to the larger amount of wire involved--especially since they're over 20' long.  Perhaps there's more to it than that?
  Anyways, I'll drop matching wires to the bottom of the list of things to worry about.

One way to find out is to reverse the wires and listen for significant changes in SQ.