Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!
You must excuse George, He has his own beliefs and agenda related too class d.On every forum on multiple sites related to class d I see his name.

Of course, time marches on, and progress will be made but what we have now is really very very good.

Amen Erik.

It would seem many here hold their own share of beliefs and agendas either in favor of or against Class-D for a variety of reasons - certainly predictable and all too common to have some sort of investment in a particular design principle, sometimes based more in theorizing than drawn from actual listening sessions.

Perhaps in an effort to counterbalance my own inexperience and skepticism, or even prejudice against Class-D designs in regards to successful implementation with very high efficiency loudspeakers (+100dB’s), does anyone here have practical experience in this regard and how this combo plays out? Typical "wisdom" seems to have it that Class-D designs are less favorable within the first watt of usage compared to Class-A designs - not least SET’s/SIT’s - and are therefore considered the poorer match with very high efficiency speakers. Is there any merit to this in the eyes (ears) among those with actual experience here, or is it a field laden predominantly with theory as to how things ’should’ (as opposed to how that actually ’do’) pan out?
Hi Phusis,

Not sure why high efficiency would be a bad combo. The issue with different Class D designs, as covered, has more to do (in my mind) with impedance drops of exotics.

They are dead quiet.

When I first heard digital amplifiers it was with a pro monitors based on pioneer metal-dome compression drivers.  OMG that was painful. :)

But that was in the 80's.

Class D amps are also dead quiet, so that's not a big deal.

Still, I don't have recent experience, so I hope some one who does will chime in.



No worries at all. :) I think that the participation of so many here who have been pleasantly surprised and are enjoying Class D amps speaks for itself.

We also went a little deep into theory without measurement. :-) We should stay away from that. My bad.


I can easily comment a little about the pairing of class d with efficient speakers.I have been using d with Zu definitions for 4'yrs and also a pair of Crites cornscalas that I built for 2 yrs.Basically if the first watt of any amp is no good I don't want x amount more of them.There has been a lot of people say that high damping factor of any class of Amp is'nt a good match too full range drivers which cause over damping of the cones and don't sound as natural in a musical note decay.I found this not true too my ears,I have owned lots of tube and class a amps over my time and my preference in the music presentation leads me back too the class d amps I currently own.I had a pair of the Janzen Valentina hybrid ESL speakers recently for 6 months and drove them with class d very well.But I like the Zu's better in my room and kept them.I have a pair of Tekton double impacts that will arrive this wed and I will see how they sound with class d.

The only negatives to class d is driving the exotic speakers,the ones that drop below 3ohms.

Reproducing audio in the home has and will always be highly subjective and system synergy has tremendous benefits.

I'm not a Amp designer but I have been a Avionics tech at a major airline for 28 yrs,so I have a fair understanding of electronics in general.It is very cool and also very interesting too learn as much as we can about our gear but you are going to hurt your head just like I have trying to fully grasp class d.I prefer to just kick back and enjoy the music.I recently caught myself analyzing my double impact speakers before I even get them,crossover points and driver configuration.There is a lot of positives for class d now and in the future.