Amplifier Upgrade Decision

I need some help/feedback with regards to upgrading my power amplifier for 2 channel music. My current set up includes following components
1. Source (Digital)- Oppo BDP-95
2. Source (Analog)- Clearaudio Concept Turntable
3. Pre-Amplifier- Parasound Halo JC-2
4. Pre-Amplifier- Parasound Halo P-7 (using the phono interface for playing the turntable)
5. Power Amplifier- Parasound Halo A-21
6. Front Speakers- Aerial Model-7T
7. Power Cable- Nordost Heimdall 2 and Red Dawn 2
8. Interconnect Cable- Nordost Frey 2, Heimdall 2 and Red Dawn 2
9. Speaker Cable- Nordost Red Dawn 2
10. Wall Receptacle- Furutech GTX-D NCF(R)
11. 2 Dedicated 20 Amp (10 AWG) circuits feeding the entire system
12. GIK Room Acoustics Bass traps/Diffusors
13. Room size- 16’ X 12’
This set up sounds good but I wanted to take it to the next level and wanted to upgrade my amplifier to a better 2 Channel amplifier or a set of mono-blocks. I love Class A/AB sound and would like to stick to this technology. My choices, not in any particular order, are
1. Upgrade to a Plinius SA 103 (125 W pure Class A per channel) and use it as a 2 channel amplifier
2. Upgrade to a set of Class-A mono-blocks. My choices, not in any particular order, are
    a. Parasound Halo JC-1
    b. Pass Labs XA-60.8
My budget is around 10-12K.

I know everything is system dependent but I would love to hear your opinion on these amplifiers before starting on product evaluation.

I am also not sure if my mono-block amplifier choices would provide significant value add from a sound perspective over the Plinius or any other good quality 2 channel amplifier at this price point. So I would love to hear your feedback on this point as well.

The Pass XA-60.8 would be too weak for your speakers.

The Plinius is a good choice. The other better choices that I would look into are:

1. A pair of Benchmark AHB2 in mono configuration. Save money for something else while getting a sound you may never want to change.

2. Gryphon Diablo 300 - performance and sound near the very top high end

3. Hegel H30 - Sound, full control and power - upgrade to monos later 

My personal discipline concerning speaker/amp matching, besides having all the obvious sound qualities, is to get amps that are much higher in power than recommended by speakers (one must discern between ClassA and AB of course). I believe that audiophiles dont take this enough into account when choosing amps. Many many amps out there have a real good sound, but control of the speakers is paramount if you want to have real dynamics and continued separation of instruments on complicated pieces at fair volume levels.

@hddg- I completely agree with the power criteria and it's importance that you have brought up... Initially I thought 60W would be too less for driving the Aerials but Pass Labs product team confirmed that I would be fine with it in my relatively small room 16' X 12' room, specially with Class A power. I am trying to find out how much Class A power I need in my room to drive the Aerials w/o loosing dynamics and bass. Is there a way to find that out before buying the amplifier?

have owned the very fine A21 twice now, also own the JC2 in system 2, also a fine piece of gear 

recently bought a Pass X150.8 and prefer it to all other amps I've owned; would have preferred purchasing the X250.8 but its size and added cost just didn't seem necessary, of course I could be mistaken 

Put a check mark in all the boxes you rate amps with; the Pass delivers in spades and as a class A-AB design compares favorably with SET, class A ss, push pull tube, class D, mono designs or one box configurations, it's impossible (for me at least) to fund fault with it 

no it is not inexpensive nor does it run cool, it does take up some space, though not that of monos, but sonically it is excellent 

what I have noticed is it better reveals what is on and in a recording; poor recordings don't sound 'worse' but I am more aware of their flaws, and conversely good and great recordings are that much more appreciated 

@markmendenhall Thanks for your feedback. Glad to hear that you like Halo JC-2 pre-amplifier which in my opinion is a great product at that price point. Just curious to find out how does Pass Labs 150.8, which is less powerful that Halo A-21, compare with Halo A-21.
Now coming back to pure Class A power it seems like you have to really spend a fortune to reach to the level of 150W or 250W and even then you might not get it because almost all Class-A amplifiers leave Class A domain beyond a threshold. So it is unclear to me why audiophiles spend so much  on Pure Class A design instead of a Class A/B design. I know everything in audio is system/environment/user dependent but is there a thumb rule of X Watt of pure Class A which would be good enough for most of the users in a small/medium room under a regular listening environment?