After nearly 20 years, I left Magnepan and went ProAc

Listened to proac d48r's a few weeks ago and fell in love at first listen. After a couple of days I got my wife to sign my "permission slip" and took the plunge and they now reside where my 1.6 once stood.  You see, I've never heard a speaker literally mesmerize me and engage me like this before.  Sure the Maggie's have a huge image and soundstage and transparency, but these Proacs simply sound more like a real event, with dynamics and palpability, with a more refined and true sound.  The images are much more dense.   

I only have 48 hours on them so they are nowhere near their final voice, but they are breaking in nicely.  The manual says they require a lengthy break in.  I pulled out my old marantz cd-5000 to do the break in honors and will run these straight for a week or two and then taper off with normal listening.   

One thing I dont care for are the spikes. They have these little slits that aid in tightening, but no tool to go around them, so I can't get a good tightening with just my the spikes jiggle.  When I check  I can hear the spike and lock but chatter, and   this is not helping my  stability or sound.  Any sugesstions to tighten them right would be helpful. Thanks.  Cheers to a new chapter!   Wanted to share my excitement with you.  So grateful and never thought I would have speakers like This.  It feels like a dream!

My first pair of high-end speakers where ProAc Super Towers. Maybe ViseGrips would work or you might consider using Herbie’s Threaded Stud Gliders. I have found they work better than spikes.
Congratulations on the Proac's. I got a chance to listen to the D-48R's
briefly and was very impressed. If I had the room for them they would be on my list. I ended up with the D-30R's and have been extremely pleased with them. Like you, I wasn't too impressed with the stock spikes (or jumpers for that matter). I put some Audio Points 1.5AP-1 under my D-30R's and the improvement wasn't subtle. The bass was cleaner and more defined. The mid-range opened up as well and blended more seamlessly with the bass. I'd highly recommend them.
I should also note that if you don't like them you can return them for a full refund.

Congrats on your new d-48s. I have d-40rs and don't know if I will change from here.

I have Nordost Sort Fut on mine and they were an improvement over the standard spike in both functionality and sound
Owned Proac 3.8s a while ago but they needed to play at a volume my apartment neighbors didn't care for. Wondering if you listened to Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT?