Best Class A Amp under $2,000 used?

Looking for a Class A Amp (USED) to join with a Wadia 321 DAC and Dali ms-4 speakers for digital sources.  Budget around $2,000.   What are some good possibilities in this range? 
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" I like the Pass Aleph 5 class a at 60w and those are below $2000 and should work great with your Dalis."

After reading that, I just wanted to update my post. An odd thing about the Aleph series is how they rate the 0s that I recommended above, and the 5. The 5's are 60 wpc and the 0s is 40 wpc (Not to be confused with the 0's which are the mono versions of the 0s's. 80 watts per mono).

The 0s is a much bigger, costly and more powerful amp than the 5. I have no idea why they would rate it for less power. Its just something to be aware of.
don't forget the Acuphase's and Luxmans that were pure class A many out there for under $2000 now.
Regarding amps mentioned, I tried Pass Aleph 0`s with Martin Logan Quests and they did not drive them well.  The Class'e CA-300 did fine, but not strictly class A.

For 250 watts of pure class A, a pair of Threshold SA/12e’s would definitely work, however if you find a pair, they would be well above $2000. Here’s a nice Threshold within your budget,

This amp could also be changed to pure class A, but only at 60w/ch. You would need to send it back to Jon Soderberg of Vintage Amp Repair.