Best Class A Amp under $2,000 used?

Looking for a Class A Amp (USED) to join with a Wadia 321 DAC and Dali ms-4 speakers for digital sources.  Budget around $2,000.   What are some good possibilities in this range? 
Why did you want pure class A.  As all have said most amps are high biased to hold in class A until a threshold wattage requirement is surpassed then it operates in A/B. I have never been sure of when Class A resumes during a peak then drop .   I owned Klipsch Palladium 1Ks which were biased to class  A for 125 watts.  I never knew when it changed.  *not a great amp anyway!
I had no idea most class A type amps switch into alternate AB power after a set threshold. This is really cool though.  Just looking for advice on a great solid state choice in the 2k -  3k range.  So far Pass designs are king.  Let me know if there are any others. Bryston??  
Most folks around here know that the boys at Coda were Threshold designer engineers... Threshold is the company that Nelson Pass sold before starting Pass Labs... The Coda stuff definitely has the Pass characteristics and run very high levels of Class A.  You can occasionally find a few of their amps in your price range.
A  Pass labs f6  50wpc into 4 ohms it has a but of Sevreal flavors Jensen transformer inputs, to a Fet stage,  then mosfets all pure class A . 
Sumo made some pure Class A amps,  but none of the power rating discussed here.  I believe 3 different designers....
Sumo The Nine and The Gold  60 watts and 100 watts by Jim Bonjiorno
Sumo Nine Plus updated from Nine by Rich May 65 watts (Nine is Better)
Sumo The Ten by Jason Stoddard  100 watts