Pathos Classic One MKiII vs. my separates

I have been thinking of downsizing my rig by going back to a hybrid integrated amplifier. I currently use a Jolida Fusion preamp with a BEL 1001 MK V amp to drive a pair of Esoteric MG 10 speakers (87dB sensitive, 6 ohms nominal dropping to 3.8 somewhere below 2000ohms).  I enjoy the Jolida/BEL combo, change is just for the downsize. I like the idea of tube pre/SS output of hybrid integrateds, having owned a Vincent in the past.  The Pathos is currently on offer here on AG. Asking for thoughts from members with knowledge of the Pathos. Thanks.
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I had an all Pass Labs Aleph system for years. Due to a remodel, I had to downsize my system. I decided on a Pathos Classic One MKII and loved it. I had a chance to get a MKIII and did. The think the MKIII is marginally better than the MKII. The one that is on AudioGon now that includes an aftermarket power cord and shipping is an excellent deal. The speakers I use have similar specs. and I don't think you will have a problem driving them. Also, if you have any balanced sources, I recommend you use the one balanced input. You will not be disappointed with this amp, build quality is great, I have had no issues with either one and they can be converted to mono blocks with a flip of a switch, if you want to invest in two. The Pathos does benefit with an upgrade of better 6922 signal tubes too.
Thanks dill! Your input is truly appreciated. Based on online research conducted I thought this might be a good integrated as a replacement. 
Well, I just struck a deal with the seller of the Pathos. Looking forward to hearing it. Will post my thoughts.