Clarity Cap CMR Impressions

Wondering if anyone has updated their passive crossover with the Clarity Cap CMR.
I'd like to hear how they compare to the MR and comparable competition. I saw some threads on the MR but not these.


At 4.7uF: ~ 0.38 Ohms between 1 to 10kHz for both MR and CMR. Maybe 0.01 Ohms lower for MR.

audio4pass - Your typing sometimes comes off as very rude and demanding. I don't get paid by you, so I would appreciate it if you spoke to me a little more politely like I try to for others.

are you sure ?, how many hours are burned the cmr

So, part of the rudeness I sense from you is that you seem to not be reading along in the thread. If you had, you would see that when I typed this it was very early in the burn-in process.  I'm not giving my final impressions, but putting in my impressions here as the burn-in continues.

I look forward to sharing my experiences with you so long as we treat each other with respect and friendship.



I'm about a week into burning in one side of my CMR caps.

One interesting point, while music from my Mytec DAC sounds brighter and fuller, the Oppo Bluray player (103) is now sounding more and more harsh.

It will be middle of next week before I get all the parts to re-make the filters.

Yeah, I know others like to do things differently. That's fine, but I'm going to do things my way and I hope you appreciate the information as I post it. I'm not going to change my test techniques. I haven't the time / money / energy right now. So, please accept my comments in the context I offer them.


This is slightly off topic, but I think it’s good for audiophiles to have an idea of what they are listening to.

In addition to B&W and Magico, I have found another famous speaker brand that relies on Mundorf, YG.

In this article:

It’s hard to see, but there’s a little link which has a set of slides to the crossover:

Mundorf provides a very nice turn-key PCB assembly service for you. I’m not sure if they do the PCB layout as well, but High-end manufacturers get the entire crossover, including driver wiring, fully assembled from Mundorf, so it’s kind of irresistible for them to go with all Mundorf parts including coils and resistors.