
I own a NAD M25 amp just wanted opinions would a dedicated 20amp circuit be the way to go wanted to get 120 volts all the time and get away from voltage dips I get any where from 119v to 105v in the summertime is this hard on the amp?

I think a 20 amp circuit breaker with 10 gauge wire and a good outlet would be the way to go however that does not guarantee or prevent voltage dips.
I'm sure others on this site can make suggestions as to what will solve your problem.
... would a dedicated 20amp circuit be the way to go wanted to get 120 volts all the time and get away from voltage dips I get any where from 119v to 105v in the summertime is this hard on the amp?
Are you in the US? If so, 105VAC is definitely considered low voltage. I would check your voltage at the service entrance and if it really measures that low, you should notify your electric utility.

A dedicated line can help with reducing voltage drop, and of course it has other advantages, too. But it sounds like you have other problems as well.
Your power is critical as this is what feeds your system. If you will be staying put where you are and can work on the electrical with a licensed electrician, much can be done. First analyze your entire situation and plan things out for the big and complete picture, instead of throwing tweaks at it here and there for some magical remedy.
Thanx for the help any suggestions on where to get a good outlet besides home depot or lowes