Furutech AC Receptacles

Do the Furutech GTX-D R/G AC receptacles require installation with Furutech wall plates and covers?
Break In period is something typical to Dating. Your just getting to know the girl.

After the break in period is over, you decide if you can live with her or cant stand her flaws and habits.

wylmars OP
Yes, BAL was the language we all used at the start of my career. It is a very thrifty language in its’ use of memory. It required coding discipline, unlike today’s bloated high-level languages.

Ah yes, Art Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and his very clever twist on the HAL moniker (i.e., H (i) A (b) L (m). I was sort like one of those primates throwing clubs ... more age dating!

Actually, Kubrick disputed the HAL-IBM connection theory and said HAL was simply the acronym for Heuristic and Algorithmic Language. If he had wished to attribute IBM somehow why didn’t he just name the devious computer something someone other than a cryptologist could discern. Something like say MBI-9000.

I started my career at age 16, using one of those clunky Friden desk calculators to crunch Lorenz transformation equations at Army Map Service. During lunchtime of course. 😀

@randy-11,  what is your source on 'Wire do not'? 

I always experience better 'sound' in my system after few hundred hours of playing time with new equipments and wires. I call it 'settling' period but I do like 'dragon_vibe' answer better :-)

Here is one theory from a renowned cable maker, 

"During the manufacturing process, as insulation is extruded over the conductors, gases can become trapped. This combined with the high electrical charges often found in new cables, result in a brittle and bright sound that lacks the detail and depth desired for music reproduction. There are couple of ways to resolve above referenced issues. One way to burn-in your cables is to simply hook them up in your home audio system and play music for a minimum of 100 hours. However, the best solution is to treat your cables using a designated cable burn-in device".