Tubes for HT?

What do you folks think about using tube monoblock amps for HT (amplification specifically for the 3 front chanels, L/C/R)? I've been thinking of swapping my Musical Fidelity M250 Monoblocks with a tube amp. I'm kinda yearning for the sweet, warm sound of tubes. I'm not familiar with tubes being used for HT, so I'm a little concerned about clipping (power output), heat, realibility etc. I'm guessing you folks know where I'm coming from on this one... Call it a dual purpose system, if there is such a thing.

I Spoke to Kevin @ Upscale Audio and he recommends the Prologue 6 Monoblocks (@70 watts). He said that the Prologue 6 will do great in a dual purpose Music and HT set-up. Have you folks had any experience using Prima Luna in a HT environment?

I would love to hear what you guys think.

i wouldn't waste a tube watt on a movie. i prefer to use my tubes for music. that's why i separated my systems though they still share the same room. if you must use tubes, i don't think it'll be too big of a problem though you may miss the headroom a solid state amp will give during loud passages of action flics. sounds to me like you've already go things sorta separated so i would leave well enough alone.
FWIW I have heard Manley demo multichannel systems with all tubed monblocks. They sounded great, but I must admit, by late in the day, the rooms could have benefitted from an extra A/C unit!
There seems to be a general acceptance that using tubed amps for movies will shorten a tube's life as the sudden loud noises and booming dialog will fatigue a tube. I really don't care about this as I have enough systems and I don't want to go back-and-forth between the two.