KEF LS50 vs Dynaudio Contour 1.3 MkII vs Thiel 1.6

OK I should probably explain before I weird everyone out...

I have a nice pair of Thiels but always wanted to try a nice monitor.  Particularly since my room is smallish and weird shaped and I love great sound stagging and accuracy. (I figure they would be easier since I'm constantly rearranging). There's a pair of nice Countours nearby but Sterephiiiilie reviews suggest the tiny KEH set are terrific monitors.  Price is about the same. 

Any advice?
Thx, DD

Bryston B60
Rega Planar 3 (highly modded) w/ Zu Audio DL 103 MkII Cartridge
Luminious Audio Passive Preamp
Tascam CD-200
SVS PB-1000 sub (if needed)
BlueJean cables all around
Tinnitus & high frequency loss in ears...:8(

For system you have the KEF LS 50 seems the ticket, the B60 is not bright
, the KEF is a bit. Not hard to drive .
Dynaudios are better speaker but need LOTS of power you don't have .
Disagree that Dynaudios are a better speaker than your Thiels.  I think the time and phase coherence contribute to the soundstaging you are getting and would be tough to replicate.  If I'm you, since you seem to like the Bryston sound, I'd sell the B60 and buy a used 3 or 4BSST2 amp to flesh out what you have and use that with your passive pre.  I have found the SST2 to be a big upgrade over the SST so I'd pony up for that version FWIW.  
Based on what you shared, I too like that small list that poster above mentioned:   Joseph Audio, Vandersteen, ProAc, or Reference 3A monitors

All of them are really nice speakers in the right set up.  Room size and what you run and will run later will obviously be important, but that's a great list. I was a Proac guy for over 25 years.  I ended up selling three pair and then heard the Vandersteen's and was hooked.  The thing to me about monitor, is that I need bass and they just don't do it for the most part.  They may make you THINK they do, but physics say they don't.  That's the nice thing about Vandersteen's as they are point source in their sound and are time and phase correct.  Do you have dealers near you that carry any of these speakers?  That's where you should go and find someone you feel has YOUR best interest at heart and not what they like to hear.  You can get that though this thread, lol.
Well, lots of great feedback.  Thanks.

I just returned from auditioning the  Dynaudio Contours and learned a couple things.  They sounded as good or slightly better than my Thiels...sound stage a tiny bit wider and precise, sound balance maybe better.  However, a big HOWEVER, the guy had them set up with his main system. Two custom made mono-block tube units & what appeared to be a passive preamp & a Linn cd player.  I know enough to know it's the system you hear, not an individual component.

At my request, he was nice enough to rewire them to a 60wpc receiver so I could hear them with underwhelming components. Wow, everthing collapsed - they sounded flat and un-dynamic.  We both agreed that I need to hear them in my system but I'm now convinced they are not what I'm looking for.  

Then, being the nice guy he was, he re-hooked up his main system and I was totally blown away.  The only change was the speakers he had, some sort of three ways from a small European company who I never heard of using Seas(?) drivers. Best sound I've heard in 20 years...since the SF Stereophile show at the Joseph Audio room.  It delightfully reset my whole idea of what's possible.  One thing I do know, I need to get to some of the local listening rooms (Boston area) and relearn what I thought I knew. Thanks for all the advice!

Off to see (hear) the wizard(s)!
A quick follow up on my rambling last night. The speakers were Penaudio Sara Signatures, a "2.5 way" from Finnland. At 86 dBw/m, they were being driven by pretty light weight tubes (30w?). I'm confused that they could perform with such poise while my Thiel 1.6 (90dB/W/m) apparently need significantly more power to shine. I don't doubt that it's true but is that due to the speaker's specific black magic or tubes versus solid state?

Also, if anyone can suggest other speakers that have similar sonic signatures to the Penaudios, let me know...I am, as you can see, lusting for that sound.

My next step, after two cups of morning joe is to look for more power to explore the Thiels full potential and then, if they don't make the cut, look for a change there.  Onward and upward.