Turntable / cartridge (and isolation) to match my pre-amp, speakers and room

Hi all,

I am just getting back into listening to records after more than a decade of iPod / headphone and iTunes / computer speakers. I have some insurmountable constraints with regard to my "listening room". The speakers have to be actually sitting in the bookcase shelves. The components have to sit on top of the base cabinet. I don’t have any flexibility with that. You can see pictures my the room and setup here: http://www.pbase.com/ezwicky/inbox

The system is:

Audio-Technia SL-D@ direct-drive TT with Grado Prestige Black cartridge
Sony multidisc CD player (soon to be replaced with Music-Hall cdac15.3)
Music-Hall a15.3 integrated amp
Bowers & Wilkins 686 S2 speakers
JL Audio 8’ powered sub-woofer

I have done a good bit of A/B-ing between CD and LP of some of my favorite albums and have decided I am ready to invest in a better turntable / cartridge. My local hifi shop carries Pro-Ject and Music-Hall, and my budget is up to $1000.

Knowing all that, what would you all recommend? The Music-Hall 5.3 has a dual-plinth and comes with the Ortofon Blue cartridge, as well as carbon-fiber tonearm. The Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit comes with the carbon tonearm and Ortofon Blue, but not the dual plinth.

Would I notice (with my system as described and pictured) a large difference between those two turntables and the Music-Hall 2.3 or the Pro-Ject Debut Carbon (regular)? I don’t mind paying more for a noticeable improvement in sound, but given the less-than-ideal constraints of my setup, I don’t want to get something that the rest of my system will not be able to pass through.

On the subject of isolation, is it worth the extra $200 to get the Music-Hall 5.3 with dual plinth, over the Pro-Ject that does not have the dual plinth? Maybe get some isolation feet from Herbie’s for the Pro-Ject? But then that combined might get me back upto the Music-Hall 5.3 price.

I am kind of overwhelmed by all the possibilities, so I appreciate in advance your timeand advice.


Eric Zwicky
Richmond VA

Thanks williewonka,      The Music-Hall mmf-5.3 has a dual-plinth setup (made of MDF) So I think I am good there.    Thanks for the links to the ball-bearing footers... that looks like something I could do.    I think Herbie's also has something similar ready-made.    I already have a sheet of sorbothane cut up into smaller squares so I am part-way there.



Eric - Music Hall is very good at isolation, but trust in your touch. If you feel the slightest vibrations in the upper part of the plinth when playing music then you need more isolation.

Very Lightly touch your finger tips on the upper plinth (the arm and bearing should be attached to this plinth) with the music playing - you'll know right away

If you cannot feel anything you are completely isolated.

Also, play music through your digital gear and touch the platter (without it rotating) if you have vibration there you will need an effective mat.

Vibrapod has some nice ready made ball bearing feet

You might still need sorbothane between the Vibrapod and the component for 100% isolation

Thanks Steve!    I will try this test tomorrow.    I appreciate the info.
