Placement tips for Synergistic Research HTFs

I just bought 15 HTFs and will also be making about a dozen of Ozzie's homemade models.  While I will re-fresh myself with SR's placement tips, and I get that I will have to do some experimenting to tailor the HFT effect to MY listening room; are there any "Advanced HFT Placement Tips" some of you would like to share with us?  Something that might be overlooked by many of us?  Or maybe, just a good rule-of-thumb tip for someone just starting to use these?
The tips could be tips for bring out more highs, solidifying the bass response, placement hi vs low, in front of vs behind speakers, on side walls, at reflection points, behind the listener, on the ceiling above the equipment or above the listener, on the equipment.
Any ah-ha that you would like to share?  I would also be very interested in hearing from people using Magnapans.


Some of my resonators are also very heavy and find their way to the floor from time to time. I always keep extra Blu Tack handy.
As I opined several times early on this thread, experimentation with placement only gets you so far. Time consuming and ineffective. Now all the cows are coming home to roost.


"opined" ... Lol. In case you may not have noticed, I was quoting ozzy in my post so you'll have to deal with him -- if you dare. In case you may not have noticed, nowhere in my post did I say "placement only" ... but misquoting is one of your favorites ... as we have seen many times ... same old geoffkait ... cows coming home to roost ... I didn't know cows roosted ... guess you haven't visited a farm lately ... or maybe they do roost on your farm ... which would not surprise me ... Lol.
"Time consuming and ineffective." Not sure if ozzy would agree. But I don’t think he will bother to comment. I don’t think he enjoys this as much as I do. Lol. In any case, how do you know what is effective in ozzy's system, or mine? Oh, I know ... you're a practicing telepathic room treatment specialist ... running a very busy operation that leaves you with half the day to hang around here beating the forum bush for new customers ... with full disclosure. Keep it coming Dynamica. You're doing great. As Woody Allen once said, 50% of success is showing up. We can always count on you to show up. Lol.
Sabai, funny you should react so violently as I wasn't addressing you. And speaking of showing up that's actually something you haven't been doing of late. We missed you. One assumes you were back at the farm.