Primaluna dialogue premium HP tube rolling suggestions to reduce brightness

I have had the dialogue premium hp for about 6 months now, using naim preamp and proac tablette anniversary speakers.  I have been noticing some brightness in the high end, and am wondering is I might be able to switch out the tubes to cool it down a bit.  

I am running the stock el34 and 12au7. As this is the hp with 8 power tubes, I would rather not switch the el34 for financial reasons, so does anyone have recommendation to change the 12au7 tubes.  

I also think the the proacs are contributing to the brightness, but would rather not go speaker shopping again, but have not eliminated that option if you have some ideas
I disagree

You got a $4500 amp. I say try a CV4003 Mullard or RCA, Raytheonl blackplate organ pull on the cheap.

The chinese 12au7 tubes are to draw attention at first with all the high freq detail, but they are fatiguing...especially the 2 middle ones.

Upscale audio offers a cryogenic treatment.  Any comments on how it will affect sound?
I would listen to Aniwolfe. He and I both have been rolling tubes. He is more experienced than myself in the 12AU7 area so he is a good source of information. Also there is a review of the Dialogue Premium in Stereophile talking about the upper midrange glare and the reviewer swapped out the stock tubes to combat this problem.  I don't agree with his KT120 power tube choice but to each his own. I can't remember the 12AU7's he tried. I would start with cheaper tubes and/or call Upscale and let them guide you.
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