Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I get that this is a Thiel thread, but since amplification and cables are being made part of the discussion...

If you ever wonder why our hobby isn’t taken seriously by the majority of
sensible people on earth, watching an audiophile recommend that someone should spend $100,000 on amps and a minimum of $50,000 on cables for a high end speaker should be your first clue.

It seems those of us with a skeptical bone in our body are supposed to button our lips in the face of such conversations, for the good of the clan, but sometimes that’s not easy to do.  Especially insofar as it makes a hobby that you love seem crazier than something you want to be involved in.    This tends to be when I need to step away from the hobby just for the sake of my sanity.

Post removed 

Hang in there prof-

Thiel appealed to me the most for the fact that one does not have to spend big money to enjoy the music.  One can spend any amount to achieve the desired effect or outcome. Choice is yours.

I would never participate in any hobby that has some kind of financial

cap, limit, or mandate. Happy Listening!

Anyone heard of this;

A pair of Thiel speakers with model printed as 03A on connector board, but a sticker was placed over it that said 04. The sticker also had the serial number.

Only reason I know 03a was underneath is because one sticker fell off .

They look like this .

Note the gold trim bar that runs across the face at the bottom of the baffle board.

When I got them, the passive radiator surround was crumbled. That's when I discovered it was a passive . Replaced the surround.

So these pair have two active elements and a passive.

Is the passive element correct for these.

When replacing the surrounds there was no wiring connection on the passive or wires loose in the cavity.

btw found at a garage sale. A full garage. Tube gear, records, buddy was thinning the herd.