Gungnir sound before and after multi-bit upgrade?

Would appreciate reading owners' descriptions of what they heard before and after upgrading their Schiit DACs to multi-bit.  What were the sonic benefits?  Mostly interested in effects on the Gungnir but would be interested in comments about Modi, BiFrost or Yggdrasil as well.  

Searched here on A'gon but did not come across anything that clearly addressed before and after sound.  

If this has been discussed and I missed it, my apologies but please link me to it.   

Thanks in advance.
Thanks, doc.  
I hope what I think ain’t, "I just wasted $500 bucks!".
We shall see...or, more appropriately, "hear" I suppose.
In the absence of the Gungnir, running Aries Mini USB out to V-Link 192 and then via D-750 coax to the DAC in a TEAC CD3000 (also has balanced out) to Freya pre. Things are sounding discouragingly good ;-)
I was going to buy the Ygg and after 2 months of waiting I cancelled my order and got a ps audio junior,couldn't be happier.

It also took about 2 months to get a Freya which is the worst sounding pre I've ever owned,I returned it and got a refund.

I've learned my lesson I will never buy another piece of Schitt again.
I have heard the ps audio junior dac described as quite dry sounding although very detailed...
Hey @kdude66  - 
Thanks for posting.  Real helpful input given the original question that started the thread.  I guess we can say, "You weren't as happy as a pig in Schiit" and leave it at that.
I don't think the jr is dry at all in my system it's voiced to be neutral and some may find it dry all system dependent.

I use the jr driving a first watt sit2 powering Zu audio def4's in my 2nd system.
