Can the WAF Kill an Audio System?

I have looked over a lot of system pics that members have posted and have read many comments about the Wife Approval Factor. Some systems look so clean it looks like the cleaning person just left. I am wondering if the WAF is at play here or if some folks just like a room than looks neat and tidy? A cleaning person could help with the dust factor in my room but could not help its looks -- with unsightly wiring, accessories and tweaks all over the place. Frankly, if my room were good looking my system would be DOA. The SQ of my system depends on this unsightly mess. A Wife Disapproval Factor (WDF) would kill my system. How about your system? Do you wish you had more freedom to do as you please or is everything just fine with your situation and your room?
Of course it can be done , IF you have the abode and money to do it which 
not everyone does.
I doubt if anyone enjoys looking at a tangle of wire but for some no other course is feasible .
There are always parameters, WAF is just another. Certainly doesn’t make anything impossible. I think some guys just start feeling sorry for themselves.
Dedicated listening room with a dedicated AC line.
If your system is in the living room, you end up with a compromised listening room and a compromised living room.
