Warm-up time.

It takes about an hour of loud playing for my system to come to life, whether it's digital or analog.
i was wondering if it's the amp or the preamp that needs the warm-up, or both.
i have a vintage modified CJ preamp, and modified NuForce Class D mono blocks.
I agree with mofi,

Probably is your cj especially if tube,I usually leave my class d amps on most of the time so my system is ready at a moments notice,I listen at diff. times of the day.But in general class d amps don't need much warm up time that I have noticed.

I hope this helps you,

Those NuForce amps are very efficient, I would leave them on all the time.

I recently got to listen to an ARC integrated, and about 45 minutes is how long it took. It started out OK, then got really grainy for a while, then came out smooth and sweet.


Everything needs a warm up: Speaker surrounds, phono cartridges, amps, preamps. Every dang thing! 
It takes 2-4 hours for my high-end SS amp and high-end valve CD / DAC system to warm up to hit its peak performance capabilities. It is a very common practice, especially with tubes.

But it does not involve playing it loud, or even playing it all during this start-up ""warm-up" logistics exercise. Rather  just letting it all calmly warm up slowly on its own and actually leaving it alone suffices. 

I'm puzzled by the OP's gear requirement to crank it up as his required modus operandi.