What are you using to rip your cds to a hard drive?

I had been using the cd drive in my old laptop to rip cds to my external hard drive.  I have since bought a new laptop that does not have a cd drive.  To get a cd into the computer I am using a cheap external disc reader.  What are you guys using to spin those silver discs into hard drives?  I think I need something better than what I have, but I don't think I want to spend thousands of dollars to buy a disc drive.  My budget would be less than $1,000,

What do you think?

Ignore Ignorant Trolls (IIT).

$1,000 is PLENTY to rip all your CDs.  Use a good program, be systematic, and use a Lossless compression scheme.  Set the software to do adequate bit checks.

I use the drive on my mac mini and have not messed with Windows for years (for audio) so can't help you much on Windows, tho IIRC dbPoweramp is a good program.  There is a blog on computeraudiophile.com that explains exactly how to do it systematically so you don't have to do it over.

If you get a bit perfect copy it cannot degrade SQ.

You WILL find that many CDs are not as well recorded or mastered as others.  The Steve Hoffmann forum has (incessant) discussion about which releases are best.

Once you get everything you own on your computer, you can go about replacing the lower quality issues with better ones (if they exist).

Then there is high bit rate and bit depth recordings (Hi Res, DSD, yada yada).  Double blind listening tests have shown a small difference and a slight preference for them over Redbook CD.  However, these were at very high bit rates beyond what is normally found.  OTOH, many recent SACDs are better recorded and better mastered than older CDs....

The important thing is to get your CDs on a hard drive.

To improve SQ buy better speakers and a good amp to drive them.  If you already bought the $50,000 speakers of your dreams, build a new room for them.  (Then buy a new trophy wife and the current one leaves you b/c of the stereo...)
The dreaded phone book is causing problems ? Who know ? Is having a Bible in the house bad too?
The dreaded phone book is causing problems ? Who know ? Is having a Bible in the house bad too?

Is having a Bible in the house bad? No, not in general. But it IS bad for the sound. (Hmmmm, he might be catching on.) Don’t worry, though, a telephone book is worse.

I’am waiting for Trump to disclose his system before I buy one more thing. I want only the best . Even if is not made in USA