Balanced v unbalanced input to Ayre preamps

I've been using unbalanced connection between an Oppo 205 and Ayre K-5xeMP preamp, but wonder if the sound with balanced might be superior.  According to Oppo Tech the sound with the balanced or unbalanced outputs from the 205 should be identical, presumably at reasonable cable lengths.  But is the same true with Ayre preamp inputs?  

I'm hoping to replace the K-5 with a KX-5 Twenty to match my VX-5 Twenty amp; the KX-5 has more balanced inputs.  An Ayre C-5xeMP and Sony HAP-1ES use the two balanced inputs of the K-5. 
Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
I'd opt for balanced myself. Ralph at Atma-Sphere says balanced cables don't influence sound like unbalanced, and are less affected by distance.
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Ralph's (Atmasphere) comments regarding a differential balanced circuit eliminating cable artifacts is based on the balanced design supporting the 600 ohm standard, as Atmasphere designs do. It is my understanding that not all balanced designs support this standard.