Anyone try KT150 in Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP

I love my HP. I've had it over a year and have rolled KT120 into it from the EL34. I like both sets. But the EL is more "liquid". The sound is awesome. With the KT120s I like the added power and punch. But it can be a bit fatiguing. It's the midrange glare that I notice most. So I wonder if anyone has rolled KT 150s into it. Does it keep most of the niceness of the EL 34s?  Do the 150s have less of that midrange glare?  

What at are your thoughts if you've tried this?  Maybe Kevin Deal has an opinion?  
Do your homework, and make sure the tube 6.3v heater circuit can take the extra current, as the heater voltage can sag.

As the EL34 take 1.5A each and the KT150 can take 2A each.

So for 4 x EL34 = 6A which the Prima Luna can take.

But 4 x KT150 = 8A you need to confirm if it can take this without any 6.3v voltage sag.

Too much heater voltage sag "can" lead to cathode poisoning, from what I've been told.

Cheers George
I do believe I've read of other people using kt150's in a hp and prima luna even lists the 150 in there tube selection.

George is spot on with the amperage figures and I think the hp would be able to handle the kt150 without any problems.

I don't own a hp but I have found the kt150 tube to be very good,giving the midrange qualities of the el34 and the drive and dynamics of the kt88 and kt120 but with no etch and glare.Most other amps that use the kt88 and or kt120 are'nt able to use the 150 unfortunately they don't have strong enough pwr Supplies.

Best of luck to you,

I currently own a ARC VT-80 and contemplating the switch from my current Tung Sol KT-120 to KT-150 for sometime. 

i am also on waitlist for psvane treasure tubes.

Kenny, what brand of KT-150 you tried? 
