Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?

I have seen several ads. and read bits and pieces of info. from Legacy. However, being in the military I haven't had the chance to make it to a show to listen to these speakers. I would like to hear your comments, good or bad. I believe my ears will make the final determination, but are they worth giving a listen? Thanks.
Sean, as always your response was polite and well thought out. It was a much better response than my little rant deserved. Thank you!
I tried moving my listening position back as you had previously suggested. It just will not work for me. The ratio of reflected to direct sound is too great, (too much room sound). The speakers and listening position are in an 8' equilateral triangle. Would that be considered nearfield listening? I really don't know that is why I ask.
I don't want to get this thread any further off topic than we already have taken it. As such, let's try a fresh thread on the topic. This way, others can chime in and share their experiences. Sean
I've auditioned the Legacy line-up twice - largely because there were qualities I liked a lot about them and some that I really didn't. I understand why so many people are happy with the speakers, they are definitely a "rocker's speaker" and I'd recommend anyone to audition them. But, with that said, I didn't end up buying them.

First, I felt the Focus was the sweet spot in the line-up. I didn't like the new Empire speakers - they were not natural sounding to me. And, the Whispers are just not a real-world speaker for my home (speakers too big).

I thought there were significant benefits of the Focus versus the less expensive speakers, particularly in the area of mid-range and vocal transparency.

If you love rock, love moving a lot of air, this speaker will immerse you in the sound. And, if you want a fairly revealing mid-range, then the Focus may be the speaker for you.

My problems had to do more with coherence and the boom. But, everything is a trade-off. If you end up getting them, enjoy.

By the way, I ended up going a very different direction than the Legacy. After auditioning Thiels, Revels, B&W's, Ariels, Dynaudio, etc. over a two year period I narrowed my search down to Revel and Harbeth's. If you like the full sound of the Legacy, you may love the Revels (which I did), and I strongly recommend them. But, I ended up with the Harbeth's 7ES. It's a much smaller speaker, but I love the mid-range. I heard the Red Rose the other weekend in NYC and found them an even more revealing speaker. I loved them, but they were another $1,000 more than the Harbeths ($2,400).
This thread is greatness and I hope that noone got any negatives. My only feedback is that some (can't remember who) need to use spaces in long passages, much easier to read.

I became interested in the Legacy focus because I read in TAS that mega producer Rick Rubin runs them and says they make the big noise in the right way. He bought them over the Dunlavy SCV's and B&W 800's; Dunlavy didn't go low enough-boxes too big and B&W too modern looking in his listening room. He described the Legacies as "open-airy on top" and "boom and punch...in a bombastic way" down low, going all the way to 16 Hz. (typical reviewer gibberish).

According to some of the above though, Rick has bought the wrong speakers. Now, my question is where do I go to hear a set? Do you just order them up and send them back if you don't like them? I need a little help here. My psb silvers are running out of steam when I try and teach my neighbors the words to all the songs on Boston's first album. Did I miss it above, or is there a dealer network? Thanks, my neighbors would really appreciate it.
J thunders,

There are two ways to audition the speakers without "buying" them on a 30 trial basis. First, you can go to one of 8 or so audition locations. Check Legacy's website (I think it's legacy-audio.com) for locations. Second, you can wait for them to come to you (or close enough for you to drive to). Legacy does road shows across the country to major metro areas. This is how I auditioned them.