Tube preamp with or without phono stage?

I’m looking to add a preamp to my two channel system. Currently I’m using an Audio Alchemy DDP-1 as the pre fed by a Simaudio Moon 110LP as the phonostage. My amp’s a Benchmark AHB-2 and speakers are Paradigm Persona 3F. The Personas and Benchmark are recent purchases and I’m rebuilding backwards. I’ve been targeting a clear, detailed, neutral and dimensional soundstage. Very low noise and distortion.

I’d now like to add a tube preamp and have a few questions. What are the pros and cons of the phonostage built into the pre vs as a separate? My amp only has balanced in’s but I can use an XLR to RCA adapter if necessary, are there any concerns with using the adapter? Finally, any recommendations up to about $3-5k with some flexibility?

Rogue Audio RP-5,  It has tubes, a great mm/mc phono stage that is fully adjustable and many inputs and outputs.  IMHO, it is the best 3500.00 preamp out there.
If your budget allows it, go for a external phono stage for maximum flexibility. Or else, Dan at Modwright can install  phonostage option for $300. 

You may consider following pre, 

Modwright SWL 9.0 Anniversary Edition


If your budget allows it, go for a external phono stage for maximum flexibility

Do you think an external phono stage will diminish the sound quality by requiring additional interfaces and set of cables?
Take a look at Atma-Sphere MP-3. I don't have personal experience but it does seem to have what your looking for. Full function pre w/mm, balanced, and a huge deal for me are the dual L/R vol controls and I'm pretty sure I could run the Statement Grado with it. There may be newer versions in your price range I'm not that up on it. 

Find an old Counterpoint SA-2000 and have it modified.  Or I can built you a DHT preamp with any option you prefer.  Happy Listening.