Tube preamp with or without phono stage?

I’m looking to add a preamp to my two channel system. Currently I’m using an Audio Alchemy DDP-1 as the pre fed by a Simaudio Moon 110LP as the phonostage. My amp’s a Benchmark AHB-2 and speakers are Paradigm Persona 3F. The Personas and Benchmark are recent purchases and I’m rebuilding backwards. I’ve been targeting a clear, detailed, neutral and dimensional soundstage. Very low noise and distortion.

I’d now like to add a tube preamp and have a few questions. What are the pros and cons of the phonostage built into the pre vs as a separate? My amp only has balanced in’s but I can use an XLR to RCA adapter if necessary, are there any concerns with using the adapter? Finally, any recommendations up to about $3-5k with some flexibility?

I've had a working belief in my short audio enthusiast life that less is more. But I get that seperates and their power supplies can and are also beneficial. However in my experience thus far a 2k phono pre didn't come close to making that worth it though in my case. 
Iv had VAC, CJ, Jardis, Purity Audio Design Top of the Line and a few others which were SS state.

I would highly suggest you look into Atma-Sphere Preamps. Either the MP-3 or if you can swing it get the MP-1.

So far no other pre-amp I have come across sounded so pure.

The VAC Pre-amps were nice and sweet sounding but honestly the Atma detail retrival, soundstage, dynamics just were a few notches higher.

@dragon_vibe did you have the phono stage in the Atma-Sphere?

It sounds like there can be benefit from using a separate phono stage if that separate is superior to the onboard, and that is dependent on the specific preamp phono stage as well as the separate phono stage which would need to be compared.  The comments so far indicate there is no overall better way of handling the phono stage.

I'm out for highest possible quality within my budget.  I don't have concerns about size or space.  If a pre's phono stage is only around $3-500 additional I can always start there and get a separate at a later date.  However, I think the most important thing is to get the best possible preamp regardless of whether it has an integrated phono stage option, because I'm hearing the integration doesn't bring any quality benefits.
I do have a Phono stage in mine. This debate about which is better could go on. If you are seriously in pursuit it would be a shame not to demo the MP-1.

I have a Pre-amp up for sale on Audiogon, I believe the add may have been over. Need to check. This is a Tube Pre-amp with a tube VTPS Power Supply and performs well above its asking price. The Atma Pre-amp are superior to my current pre-amp for sale but the price difference rightly so.