Speaker Cable Suggestions

I would appreciate any suggestions on speaker cable choices.  I will be using the following components:
Krell Chorus 5 channel amp
Krell Foundation processor
Oppo 205 Blue Ray
Sequerra Tuner
B&W 802's & Center Channel
My budget is $1500.00 Max, I am looking at used Kimber, Cardas, Audioquest or the new Silnote Orion-M2 Master
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
Nothing personal, milpai!  And my "description" was a generic one for expensive aftermarket cabling. That said, I disagree with your premise. Cabling cannot, should not and never will be able to "increase sound quality" above what the audio producer intended.  All cabling can do is possibly mitigate outside (external) influences that might interfere with accurate delivery of an audio signal.  In my opinion, very inexpensive cabling that meets basic length/impedance requirements does that - as well as it can be done.  There is no need to expect better interference cancellation performance by throwing money at problems that do not exist. It is shameful that we have this cottage industry that preys upon niave, uneducated and unsuspecting "audiophiles" with too much money to waste. 
In my system the Clear Days made a significant difference. This was because the double shotgun configuration suited the efficiency of my loudspeaker. My previous bi-wires somehow did not produce the "liveliness" to the system that the Clear Day provided.
BTW, for loudspeakers that are greater than 91db, the Clear Day shotguns are not recommended. A simpler pair is recommended.

Milpai....you did not address my opinion, you just touted your cables with a fancy name.  Therefore I have nothing, really, to which to respond.

But, again, cables cannot "make a significance difference."  See my previous post. And since you are in the business of selling this nonsense, your opinions are biased and therefore, on this forum, moot.
Clearly we have different opinions. So no point going forward with that discussion. You think cables should not make a difference (more nonsense) and I think cables do make a difference. I can say the same about your opinion, being biased. I have posted my system here, while you have not. I would like to know, what components are in your system? Now don't tell me that it does not make a difference, if I do not know your components. Cause, I feel, it does. If anything, your opinions on THIS forum are moot. You need to go to your brothers on avsforums.
Yep...we clearly do are on opposite poles of this issue.  My opinions are not biased because I have researched the science and believe it...and I have no financial interest in these products.  My point is the cables cannot make, induce, accentuate, instill, highlight, perform or any other active verb you can think of.  All they can provide is the prevention of interference from outside influences as they link the audio signal from component to component.  Inexpensive cabling does this quite nicely. Spending more is just silly.

My stereo system is Oppo-105D/Emotiva XPA-2/B&W 803s.  I could spend 1000% more and MAYBE achieve a subjective 5% improvement in overall SQ - for me, a stupid, wasteful, low value investment.  But it might LOOK cooler...there is that!

Oh, and I have KimberKable for the speakers; got them free with another deal. Wasn't  impressed with them over heavy guage zip cord.  Also got a set of six Wireworld RCA interconnects for 10 bucks (retail on Amazon $100 each).  Made no difference over the Monoprice set they replaced.

I do monitor AVS...and Audioholics.  Both groups encourage not wasting money on silly, ineffective cabling.