Home theater furniture - husband vs. wife

I'm sure this is a common source of friction for a lot of folks here. What kind of furniture do you use to hold your gear?

My situation: I need to hold a Parasound 2200 as well as my receiver and HTPC. I also have a big 200lb 36" tube HDTV. Currently I am using an ugly old pressboard entertainment center to hold the TV, receiver, HTPC, but it doesn't have the proper ventilation for the 2200. I was going to buy a nice looking rack to hold everything, but my wife says it is "too industrial" - and wants me to get something from Pottery Barn. They have a lot of nice wood furniture, but nothing that is designed for 19" rack mounted equipment.

Does anyone have a suggestion? She is actually quite reasonable about it... I am trying to collect some photos of what people have done to make things look nice so we can plan on what to do.

check out unfinished furniture places. If you're willing to finish it, you can find some very nice furntiture that may suit both of you.
when home theatre arrived it was made to be share with the family. lets your wife figure it out(they love a mission). two channel stereo, and the room its in, is a guy thing.
Agree on the Salamander. A lot of variety, and looks good in the living room.
My wife and I ended up buying a nice heavy wooden dining room buffet with drawers near the top and shelves underneath (see pics in my system). I took out the back for ventilation and wiring. It actually works very well and my wife likes the looks. I have an ir repeater so everything can be operated with the doors shut. I have my tube amp and tt on the top. Someday I might replace the shelves with something heavier, although I am running short on room. I have a 2" maple block and BDR cones under my CDP. One issue is it is a beast to move.
My wife fell in love with cherrywood Salamander Twin Synergy 40 the fist time she saw it. That was easy. :> )

It sells itself. I didn't have to do anything.