Best Tube Amp For Sonus Faber? Or Pass XA-100.5? $6-7,500 Budget, Purchasing Used.

As the title says, I have a pair of Sonus Faber Olympica III's that I am more than pleased with, for which I am trying to determine the best available amplifier, preferably tube. Of course, there are always budget limitations and my budget for this amp would be $6-7,500, and I would be buying used to maximize purchasing power.

Based on a lot of research, and quite a few auditions at brick and mortar stores, various home systems, Axpona, etc. I'm honestly not sure if there are any truly exceptional tube amplifiers available within that budget that meet my needs. These speakers need 100wpc tubed, or 200 wpc solid state, into 4 ohms to really open up and perform. 

If, in the end, there are no really great tubed options, I've always heard that the Pass Labs XA-100.5's were probably the optimal choice in solid state for former tube lovers. I would also appreciate any thoughts on that option from owners. 

I've recently heard a system that had Olympica 2's paired with a pass xp-10 preamp and the xa100.5 mono's, I know you have the 3's but this was a very nice combo.
Plenty of pwr with a very nice engaging midrange and too end with excellent control and no bloat whatsoever on the bottom end.

The owner is a friend in our local audio club and he was a longtime tube guy for many years and he is totally satisfied with the sound,other than upgrading to the 3's someday.

The Olympica's are not a easy load for a Amp I personally would stay away from tubes,just my opinion.

The pass gear would be easier to sale just in case you needed to sale it,just a thought.

I tend to agree with George, I'm not sure that a tube amp would work well with the Sonus Faber Olympica III's, they are not an easy load.

Any VAC amp that can put out 100 wpc and use KT-150 tubes though MAY be able to do it.

I was actually using a VAC 160iSE integrated amp before the XA-100.5 mono-blocks, and my speakers have similar specs (90 dB, 5 ohm versus your 90 dB, 4 ohm).

Switching to the XA-100.5 amps, the sound-stage opened up immensely. Not really surprising going from a tube stereo amp to SS mono-block amps.
Mating the Pass amps with an ARC Ref 5 preamp, the resolution of the highs and lows also became more extended and defined.

The only place I would give the edge to the VAC was in the midrange.
Though the Pass are quite warm and musical, the VAC had that touch of *magic* in the midrange, that fuzz on the peach quality, that only a tube amp can do.

The XA-100.5's do get quite warm after a couple of hours, but I wouldn't say they turned the listening room into a sauna. They aren't close to the hottest amp I've ever owned (BAT VK-75SE). However, they are quite a  bit warmer than the Jeff Rowland Model 6 mono's.

Another amp to consider, since you want tubes, but don't really have tube friendly speakers, is an Aesthetix Atlas.
A hybrid amp with 400 wpc into your 4 ohm load, but with a pair of 6SN7 tubes in the driver stage.
Just a thought.
Nice! jmcgrogan2-

at its price-point, the ARC Ref5 pre-amp is best in class.

Happy Listening!
Thanks very much for all the input, guys. Like jmcgrogan2, George and kdude66 , I am more and more of the thinking that a solid state amp is probably the way to go with these speakers. I've just been a tube guy for so long. However, great performance is great performance, no matter how one gets it.

The 100.5's have been recommended previously by at least half a dozen audio people who I truly respect, including a couple major audio reviewers that I discussed it with at Axpona. Now the question is waiting for some to appear for sale. I have been on the waiting list at Reno HiFi  quite a while for a pair of 100.5's. Lets hope that Mark is able to come through with some sooner than later. 
Mark at Reno is a great guy to work with. I bought my XA-100.5's from him.

I have noticed that Reno's used inventory has been "drying up" though.
I've been looking because I have thoughts of moving up to a XA-60.8/100.8.
Haven't seen much used stock in there though, mostly just demo's which are still quite pricey.

Keep your eye on HifiShark too!